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"La dépêche vétérinaire" in english

Articles in this section

054- "La dépêche" on sat. 27th september ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

A case of an osteopathic dysfonction of the sacroiliac joint.
54 - A case of an osteopathic dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint. Uston is a 5 years old German shepherd, practising the ring. His performances have decreased quite a lot in the last few months: he runs like a crab, and seems to lack in impulsion when he jumps the wall. His owner brought (…)

069 - Abigail Amyotrophy ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

Sunday 25 April 2010 by Elena Villa, Françoise Marzin Keller
Abigail, a neutered Border collie female, aged 4 years old, trained for obedience is brought in for an osteopathy consultation because she has got an asymmetrical walk (like a crab) and the thorax appears very asymmetrical as well. The owner while petting her bitch can feel a rib which sticks (…)

070-"Dépêche" January 2010 ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

Tuesday 29 June 2010 by Méryl Thieblemont, Pascale Coatantiec

Tania is an eight year old bitch, adopted at the ‘Protecting Animals Society’ about one year ago. Since her arrival in her new family, she regularly vomits her food. This vomiting is accompanied by paresis of the hindquarters.

071-« Dépêche » February 2010 ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

"OS" TEOPATHY: bones ... but not only! Osteopathy acts primarily on the autonomous nervous system...
Friday 25 June 2010 by Catherine Laurent, Méryl Thieblemont

For most pet owners, "os"téopath means in first "treatment of bones", vertebrae, mechanical or segmental problems. What is less known is that osteopathic manipulation, while restoring the mobility of segments and visceral organs, acts primarily on nerve impulses from the autonomous nervous system which self-reorganizes itself after receiving a "signal" by manipulation. The practitioner can claim to treat vertebral problems, but also visceral, muscular or… nervous ones. SPEED’s case illustrates perfectly this last aspect of osteopathy and combines osteopathic techniques and knowledge in Chinese medicine.

072 - "Dépêche" March 2010 ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

Osteopathy And Disorders Of Behavior.
Tuesday 22 June 2010 by Méryl Thieblemont, Pascale Coatantiec

Can we treat behavior disorders with osteopathy? Normally, this is not the first indication, but the following case illustrates the potential of manipulation in this type of problem.

073 - "dépêche" April 2010 ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

Growing disorders, a global correction is always necessary.
Monday 31 May 2010 by Françoise Marzin Keller, Stephan Cayre
A young 4 month old dachshund is seen in consultation for locomotion difficulties. He’s had a stooping back for a few days and would rather sit down. Nevertheless, his behaviour (feeding, playing, etc.) remains unchanged. His owner brings him regularly to another veterinarian and the (…)

074 - "Dépêche" May 2010 ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

Nervous Symptoms On a Calf
Tuesday 22 June 2010 by Méryl Thieblemont, Patrick Chêne
A young 8 day old calf is presented in consultation because it gets up only rarely and with difficulty. This calf was born quite normally and did well for two days. By the third day, he suddenly showed, without fever, a shortness of breath, trembling of the hindquarters and weak forelimbs. (…)

075 -« Dépêche » June 2010 ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

Excessive Tension Of The Spinal Cord During Animal Growth: Myth Or Reality ?

The evolution of knowledge and products offered by manufacturers of food for growing animals induce some adverse effects that osteopaths encounters daily.
Firsts identifications and publications of what is now commonly called the excess of "Medullary Traction Force" (FTM) date from 2007 (A. Ruiz de Azua Mercadal, P. Chene, V. Zenoni cf. dépêch Vet.’s, November 29, 2008) and knowledges in this field are still evolving.

077 - Dépêche of september 2010 ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

CVA, incoordination and osteopathy
Thursday 22 March 2012 by Catherine Laurent, Patrick Chêne

Cerebral vascular accidents are not rare among our pets. Dogs have a better and longer life than before.

079 - "Dépêche" november 2010 ("La dépêche vétérinaire" in english)

The Australian stringhalt or Intoxication by flatweed
Wednesday 29 February 2012 by Pascale Coatantiec, Patrick Chêne

The most common hypothesis to explain Australian stringhalt on the horse is intoxication by flatweed. For about 6 years, this syndrom is more and more frequently encountered.

The medical treatments usually proposed are scarce and not really efficient, surgical treatments like tenectomy are often proposed but are invasive.

Osteopathy may be a useful alternative, which often offers rapid improvement of the patient locomotion and general condition.

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