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Effet du traitement ostéopathique sur la durée du séjour dans une population de nouveau-nés prématurés

Francesco Cerritelli et all.
Créé le : mercredi 4 juin 2014 par Francesco Cerritelli et all.

Dernière modificaton le : lundi 11 mars 2024

Effet du traitement ostéopathique sur la durée du séjour dans une population de nouveau-nés prématurés :
un essai contrôlé randomisé

Francesco Cerritelli, Gianfranco Pizzolorusso, Francesco Ciardelli, Emiliano La Mola, Vincenzo Cozzolino, Cinzia Renzetti, Carmine D’Incecco, Paola Fusilli, Giuseppe Sabatino and Gina Barlafante

Titre original : Effect of osteopathic manipulative treatment on length of stay in a population of preterm infants : a randomized controlled trial


The use of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) in preterm infants has been documented and results from previous studies suggest the association between OMT and length of stay (LOS) reduction, as well as significant improvements in several clinical outcomes. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of OMT on LOS in premature infants.

A randomized controlled trial was conducted on preterm newborns admitted to a single NICU between 2008-2009. N=110 subjects free of medical complications and with gestational age >28 and < 38 weeks were enrolled and randomized in two groups : study group (N=55) and control group (N=55). All subjects received routine pediatric care and OMT was performed to the study group for the entire period of hospitalization. Endpoints of the study included differences in LOS and daily weight gain.

Results showed a significant association between OMT and LOS reduction (mean difference between treated and control group : -5.906 ; 95% C.I. -7.944, -3.869 ; p<0.001). OMT was not associated to any change in daily weight gain.

The present study suggests that OMT may have an important role in the management of preterm infants hospitalization.

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