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International Congress OSTEOPATHY OPEN 2019

Créé le : lundi 25 février 2019 par Russian Osteopathic Association

Dernière modificaton le : lundi 25 février 2019

Russian Federation Ministry of Health
Russian Osteopathic Association
Mechnikov North-West State Medical University
St. Petersburg State University
Private Educational Institution of
Continuing Professional Education
« Institute of Osteopathy »

We would like to inform you that in accordance with the plan of scientific and practical events of the Rus-sian Federation Ministry of Health

International Congress OSTEOPATHY OPEN 2019

will take place on June 14-16th, 2019 .

For the first time the International Congress Osteopathy Open will take place in Moscow. For three days, Russian capital will become capital of the world osteopathy.
The Congress will be dedicated to the issues of interdisciplinary interaction of osteopathic physicians and doctors of vari-ous specialties. Osteopathy, considering the human body as a whole, working with the body at the stage of pre-disease, and correcting functional alterations with the help of exclusively non-drug methods, has unique possibilities for preven-tion of different health problems, for maintenance and restoration of health.
For the first time leading specialists and doctors working in different fields of medicine will take part in the work of the congress. Participants of the Congress will discuss how osteopathic methods can be useful in practice of doctors of other specialties : general practitioners, pediatricians, obstetricians, gynecologists, neurologists, dentists and other specialists. Collaboration of specialists using different approaches in treatment will lead to health protection. World experience shows that together we can be more effective when helping patients presenting different health problems.

A number of important issues for modern medicine will be discussed at the congress :

 Interaction of Different Specialists in Treatment of Functional Disorders.
 Interdisciplinary Approach in Treatment of Neurological and Orthopedic patients. Rehabilitative Potential of Osteopathy.
 Functional Approaches in Rehabilitation of Children.
 Body and Emotion. Osteopathy and Psychotherapy.
 Approaches to Treatment of Functional Disorders of Internal Organs.
 Osteopathy, Dentistry and Speech Therapy. Ways of Interaction.
 Chinese Medicine, Reflex Therapy and Osteopathy.
 Biodynamic Approach in Osteopathy.
 Possibilities of Correction of Functional Metabolic Disorders. Homeopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Dietetics.

 Congress programme

June 14th

 plenary session of the International Congress Osteopathy Open 2019 ;
 scientific symposia, dedicated to the interdisciplinary collaboration of osteopathic physicians and doctors of various clinical specialties ;

June 15th and 16th

– scientific and practical workshops held by foreign osteopaths of world-wide reputation and renown Russian specialists.

We invite osteopaths, neurologists, pediatricians, general practitioners, neonatologists, obstetricians, gy-necologists, specialists in sports medicine, manual therapists, trauma orthopedists, reflex therapists, den-tists and doctors of other specialties to assist the congress.

Every year we try to make our guests receive the warmest impressions from the participation in Osteopathy Open. By tra-dition we have prepared a cultural program for the participants of the congress. You will get the possibility not only to improve your professional level, but also to have a wonderful time in the company of your colleagues.

Welcome to Osteopathy Open 2019 !
Best regards, Organizing Committee of the Congress


Co-presidents of the Congress : Mokhov D. E., Kagramanyan I. N., Batysheva T.T., Baranov A. A., Ivanov D. O., Ivanova G. E., Fedin A. I.
Chair of the Organizing Committee : Mokhov D. E.
Chair of the Programme Committee : Tregubova E. S.
Members of the Organizing Committee :
Agasarov L. G., Aptekar I. A., Batysheva T. T., Baranov A. A., Belash V. O., Belyaev A. F., Bolotov D. A., Che-chin A. D., Chernysheva T. N., Degtyarev D. N., Yemelyanova Y. M., Fedin A. I., Gaynutdinov A. R., Gurichev A. A., Ivanov D. O., Ivanova G. E., Kovalenko S. V., Kuzmina Y. O., Kutuzov I. A., Litvinov I. A., Mazalsky K. V., Miroshnichenko D. B., Moshetova L. K., Novikov Y. O., Nossal L. M., Petrishev A. A., Petrov A. V., Pilyavsky S. O., Piskunova G. E., Pitelina V. V., Potekhina Y. P., Rozhdestvensky A. S., Suslova G. A., Sharapov K. V., Shyryaeva E. E., Vilisova N. V., Voevodskaya E. A., Yanushanets O. I., Ziatdinov V. B., Zilov V. G.


 deadline for submission of materials for publication – May 1st, 2019 ;
 all the materials will be reviewed by the members of the organizing committee ;
 articles and abstracts selected for publication will be published in the congress materials ;
 articles and abstracts can be submitted in Russian, English or French.

Recommended article length : up to 10 А4 pages.
Recommended abstract length : up to 2 А4 pages.
Formatting : Word.doc, Times New Roman, 12 font size, single-spaced, 2 cm for the right and left margins.

Abstract and Article Structure :

 Title in capital letters, semi-bold, center alignment, no more than 2 lines ;
 Author’s (authors’) last name (-s) with initials at the end ;
 Organization’s name, phone, fax, e-mail ;
 Sections : Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion ;
 Title of each section in semi-bold should be placed in the middle of the page.

Abstracts should not contain graphs, pictures, references (no references to other authors in the text).
Articles may contain graphs and pictures, references are obligatory. Font of the captions in graphs and pic-tures should not be smaller than the main text.

 Scientific programme



 09:30-13:00 Plenary session « Modern Approaches to Health Restoration and Maintenance : Interdisciplinary Dialogue » |А1|
 Hall №1 14:00-18:00 |B1| Interdisciplinary Approach to Treatment of Neurological and Orthopedic Patients. Rehabilitative Potential of Osteopathy. - resp. : Belash V. O., Belyaev A. F., Fedin A. I.
 Hall №2 14:00-18:00 |B2| Functional Approaches to Rehabilitation of Children - resp. : Aptekar I. A., Batysheva T. T., Degtyarev D. N.
 Hall №3 14:00-16:00 |B3| Body and Emotion. Osteopathy and Psychotherapy. - resp. : Ustinov A. V.
 Hall №3 16:15-18:00 |B4| Approaches to Treatment of Functional Disorders of Internal Organs - resp. : Nenashkina E. N.
  Hall №4 14:00-18:00 |B5| Osteopathy, Dentistry and Speech Therapy. Ways of Interaction. - resp. : Chechin A. D.
 Hall №5 14:00-16:00 |B6| Chinese Medicine, Reflex Therapy and Osteopathy - resp. : Agasarov L. G.., Shyryaeva Е. Е.
  Hall №5 16:15-18:00 |B7| Biodynamical Approach in Osteopathy - resp. : Litvinov I. A., Shyryaeva Е. Е.
 Hall № 6 14:00-18:00 |B8| Possibilities of Correction of Functional Metabolic Disorders. Homeopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Dietetics - resp. : Sabinin S. L., Chernysheva Т.N.
 09:30-18:30 Meeting of the profession-oriented commission in the specialty « Osteopathy » of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health
 18:30-19:00 Diploma-delivery ceremony


 09:00-12:00 Meeting of directors of osteopathic schools
 09:30-13:30 |C1| Functional Metabolic Disorders and Methods of their Correction in Doctor’s Practice - T.N. Chernysheva
 14:30-18:30 |C6| Resource Restoration. Global Effect Techniques for the Patient’s Resource State with the Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine Methods and Osteopathy - Shyryaeva Е.Е.
 09:30-11:30 |C2| Global Psycho-viscero-somatic Disorder : Psychological, Visceral and Biomechanical Aspects. Principles of Correction of Somatic Dysfunctions. - Ustinov A. V.
 11:30-13:30 |C3| Secrets of Communication-Success in Treatment (Doctor – Patient. Secrets of Successful Communication) - Gurichev A. A.
 14:30-18:30 |C7| Functional Disorders and International Classification of Functioning (ICF) - T. T. Batysheva
 09:30-18:30 |C4| Preventive Osteopathy in Pediatrics (How to Use Osteopathic Approaches in Pre-antibiotic Period) - Т. Liem
09:30-18:30 |C5| parts 1 and 2 - Osteopathy as Noninvasive Surgery. Treatment of Adhesions by Manual Techniques. - М. Bozzetto


 08:30-09:30 Proceedings of the Commission for Terms
 09:30-13:30 |D1| Chronic Pelvic Pain : Osteopath’s and Internist’s Point of View. Diagnostic Methods. - Belyaev A. F., Karpenko N. A.
 14:30-18:30 |D5| Osteopathic Care in Complex Therapy of Psychoverbal Development Disorders in Children - Aptekar I.А.
 09:30-13:30 |D2| Methodology of Trauma Treatment –Combination of Functional and Biodynamical Approaches - Litvinov I.A.
 14:30-18:30 |D6| Methodology of Trauma Treatment –Combination of Functional and Biodynamical Approaches - Makalyutina N. V.
 09:30-13:30 |D3| Osteopathic manipulations : Effectiveness and Safety of Cervical Manipulations - Pauwels J.
 14:30-18:30 |D7| Possibilities of Osteopathic Follow-up of Pregnancy on the Background of Extragenital Pathology - Belash V.О., Nenashkina E.N.
 09:30-18:30 |C5| parts 3 and 4 Osteopathy as Noninvasive Surgery. Treatment of Adhesions by Manual Techniques. - Bozzetto M. 
 09:30-13:30 |D4| Neurodynamic Osteopathic Approach in Treatment and Rehabilitation of Patients with Musculoskeletal Pathologies- Мokhov D. E.


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